미국MBA·Master·학사/MIT·CalTech Master

[미국EMBA] 미국 보스톤의 명문대학교 MIT Sloan EMBA 의 2018학년도 입학지원조건 및 입학지원일정/ 학비안내(USD161000)

반달곰원장/자유영혼 2018. 1. 4. 12:54

안녕하세요, 반달곰원장입니다.

오늘 오전에 University of Chicago Booth EMBA 의 홍콩캠퍼스의 인포세션에 대해서 말씀을 드렸는데 이번엔 MIT EMBA에 대해서 말씀을 드리려고 합니다. 이번주에 반달곰원장에게 한분이 상담을 요청하였는데 기업 스폰서로 MIT EMBA를 가야하는데 어떻게 갈 수 있냐며 도움을 요청한 것이었습니다. 다른 EMBA와는 다르게 MIT EMBA는 Mid career를 가진 분들에게 적합한 프로그램으로 제공되는데 그 프로그램의 개요를 살펴보면 아래와 같습니다.

What distinguishes the MIT EMBA Program

·      An elite mid-career cohort

·      A scientific approach to management

·      Applied learning through in-company projects

·      General management core curriculum

·      Specialization through 3 elective periods

·      A global brand and network

·      A schedule designed to complement your professional and personal priorities

Degree earned

·      Master of Business Administration (MBA)


·      20 months: October 2018 to May 2020

·      26 weekend sessions (Friday/Saturday)

·      4 weeklong executive modules

·      1 weeklong international Action Learning project trip

위에서 볼 수 있듯이 mid career를 가진 분들에게 맞추어진 프로그램인데 기간은 20개월 과정입니다. 올해는 2018년 10월에 시작하여 2020년 5월까지 진행이 됩니다. 3주마다 금요일과 토요일 수업이 진행되는데 총 26주간 진행이 됩니다. 그리고 4주간의 executive modules과정이 있고 1주일의 해외 action learning project trip을 하게 됩니다. 그럼 최고의 비즈니스스쿨인 MIT Slaon EMBA의 입학하기 위한 입학지원일정 과 입학조건을 알아보겠습니다.

Dates and Deadlines for Class of 2020 (Matriculating October 2018)

·      The Application for the Class of 2020 is open. 

·      Deadline 1: January 5, 2018 (11:59pm ET)

·      Deadline 2: March 16, 2018 (11:59pm ET)

·      Final Deadline: June 1, 2018 (11:59pm ET)

Your online application must include:

1. Statement of purpose (one page)
The MIT Executive MBA Students and Community are: Open, Collaborative and Inventive. Please tell us why you are pursuing the MIT Executive MBA, and what you will contribute to your classmates and the community at MIT. Include examples of success working with organizations, groups, and individuals. For those reapplying, please highlight developments since your last submission.

2. Employment History
You will be asked to fill in basic information about your role and about the company for each of your current and prior jobs. Optionally, you may also submit a standard, 2 page, business resume.

3. Essays (For the class matriculating October 2018)
All applicants to the MIT Executive MBA must complete three essays, each limited to one page in length. The following essays will provide you with the opportunity to highlight recent experiences from your professional life.

• A Statement of Purpose
• Essay 1
• Essay 2

Essay 1 (one page)
The educational mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management is to "develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world." Please discuss how you will contribute toward advancing this mission based on examples of past work and activities.

Essay 2 (one page)
Please tell us about a time when you introduced an idea that changed the way in which your organization approached a business challenge or opportunity. Comment on the factors considered, and the barriers or obstacles faced.

4. Letters of recommendation*
Letters of recommendation are sent directly to the Admissions Committee via the online application system. (Two are required; the third is optional.) At least one should come from your organization (preferably a supervisor/superior). If the requested recommendations are not received by the deadline, your application cannot be considered. More information on recommendations.

5. Official transcripts
Include transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions of study. Copies of transcripts should be scanned and uploaded into the online application system, not mailed in. Be sure to request transcripts from your school(s) well in advance. Successful applicants will be asked to submit official paper copies prior to matriculation.

6. Organizational Chart
You will need to include an organizational chart that outlines the internal structure of your department or company. You may choose which to provide for a chart for; however, please provide as much information as possible with the understanding that some information may be privileged.

In-person interview
Interviews are by invitation only. An interview request signals that your application has reached an advanced stage of consideration.

위에는 GMAT조건과 TOEFL조건이 확인 되지가 않습니다. 그러면 FAQ로 가서 확인을 해보아야 합니다. 아래를 보시면 GMAT 토플성적이 필요여부를 확인할 수가 있습니다.

Are GMAT scores required?
No. However, we do recommend that you take the GMAT if you believe your academic records do not accurately reflect your current knowledge of quantitative methods.

Do I have to take the TOEFL?
The TOEFL is not required for native or fluent English speakers. Other applicants should consider taking the TOEFL.

GMAT은 필수가 아닙니다. 그러나 GMAT을 보기를 추천하고는 있으니 참고하시길 바랍니다. 그리고 토플은 안타깝지만 면제가 아니고 토플시험을 보아야 합니다. MIT EMBA 2019 즉 작년에 시작한 분은 126명입니다. 평균 나이는 40세이고 평균 직장 경력이 17년입니다. 국제학생의 비율은 44%입니다. MIT EMBA는 회사 스폰서쉽을 보통 요구하고 있고 실제로 개인이 가기에는 매우 부담스러운 학비입니다. 총 학비는 USD 161000입니다. 약 1억 8천만원 정도 되는 상당한 금액입니다.

회사 스폰서쉽으로 MBA를 가시는 분중에서 풀타임MBA로 힘들게 가시는 것도 좋지만 조금은 쉽게 MIT EMBA로 가는 것을 추천합니다. 그리고 MIT EMBA외에 미시간대학교 GMBA도 스폰서쉽 직장인들에게는 매우 좋은 선택 조건이므로 잘 검토하시길 바랍니다. 그럼 MIT EMBA 입학지원 도움을 원하시면 반달곰원장에게 문의하시길 바랍니다.