안녕하세요! 반달곰원장입니다.
오늘은 반달곰원장과도 인연이 많은 UC Berkeley 의 비즈니스 스쿨인 Haas School에 대한 소식을 전해드리겠습니다. UC Berkeley Haas 가 서울에서 인포센션을 갖는다는 소식입니다. 10월 27일 월요일 서초동 삼성타운 삼성전자빌딩 3층에서 저녁 7시 30분부터 저녁 9시 30분까지 Haas School의 인포세션을 갖습니다.
Seoul Information Session
Monday, October 27, 2014 at 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Samsung Electronics Bldg. at Samsung Town
Samsung Electronics Bldg. 3rd Floor
1320-10, Seocho 2-dong, Seocho-gu
Seoul, 137-857
Republic of Korea
UC Berkeley Haas 입학담당자들과 동문들이 참석하여 입학관련 질문에 대하여 답변을 드리는 시간을 가질 예정인데 Haas 인포센션에 참석하고 싶은 분들은 여기를 클릭하시어 사전 등록을 하고 가시길 바랍니다. 시간에 맞추어서 도착하기를 신신 당부하고 있으니 늦지않게 도착하시길 바랍니다.
그럼 새삼스럽지만 UC Berkeley Haas School이 얼마나 훌륭하고 명문비즈니스 스쿨인지 랭킹을 살펴보면서 알아보겠습니다.
Full-time MBA rankings
- #1 (US), #3 (International) Economist Intelligence Unit, 2009
- #2 The Wall Street Journal, 2008
- #1 for Recruiting in Technology/Telecommunication/Internet
- #2 for Excellence in Social Responsibility
- #4 for Hiring of Women
- #4 for Recruiting in Management Consulting
- #4 for Entrepreneurship
- #4 for Information Technology
- #6 for Graduates with High Ethical Standards
- #6 for Hiring of Minorities
- #9 for CEO Material
- #10 for International Business
- #4 Aspen Institute, Beyond Grey Pinstripes, Global Rankings
- #1 for Course content
- #4 for Student Opportunity
- #5 for Faculty Research
- #32 for Student Exposure
- #4 Princeton Review Selectivity rating, 2009
- #4 for Best Career Prospects
- #4 for Best Administered
- #10 for Best Campus Facilities
- #7 U.S. News & World Report, 2014
- #4 for Non-profit
- #6 for Entrepreneurship
- #8 for Finance
- #7 for General Management
- #9 for Marketing
- #9 in international
- #8 BusinessWeek, 2008
- #8 (North America), 2010 QS Global 200 Business Schools Report
- #8 for Average Salary
- #4 for Average GMAT Score
- #9 (US), Financial Times, 2007 Ranking of rankings.
- #9 Poets&Quants Composite, 2011
- #7 (US), #12 (International) Financial Times, 2013
- #13 Forbes, 2007
- #15, Financial Times, 2008, US MBA programs
- #1 Best in corporate social responsibility
- #1 Best in e-business
- #4 Best in entrepreneurship
- #5 Best in IT
- #6 Best in economics
- #9 Top salaries in consulting
Evening/Weekend MBA rankings
- #1 2014 US News and World Report
- #3 2010 US News and World Report
너무나 화려해서 말로 표현할 수가 없네요! 반달곰원장이 UC Berkeley에서 1년 비즈니스연수인 International Diploma Program을 공부할때 일부 선생님들이 Haas 출신분들이 계셨습니다. UC Berkeley IDP가 Haas와 비슷하다고 하는 친구들이 있었지만 Haas는 엄연히 Haas이고 IDP는 IDP 였습니다. 세계 탑랭킹의 명문 비즈니스 스쿨이 10월 27일 인포세션을 한다고 하니 입학조건, 에세이, 그리고 인터뷰와 장학금등 많은 것에 대한 정보를 얻으러 가시길 바랍니다.
그럼 UC Beekeley Haas 의 입학조건을 알아보도록 하겠습니다.
Application Requirements
The fall 2015 application is now available!
The following materials are required to apply for the Berkeley-Haas MBA:
- Online application
- $200 application fee
- Current resume (submitted online)
- Admissions essays
Two professional letters of recommendation
We require two letters of recommendation and prefer that at least one come from a current employer. Select individuals with whom you have had considerable professional interaction, such as your supervisor or a major client. The title or status of those you select is not important. What does matter is how closely your letter writers have worked with you and whether they can attest to your value as an employee, your professional accomplishments, and your personal qualities and interpersonal skills in an organizational context. For this reason, we strongly discourage academic references. Letters of recommendation from co-workers, someone you have supervised, relatives, or personal and family friends are inappropriate and can be detrimental to the review of your application. Please do not submit more than two letters, and if you choose not to obtain a letter from your current supervisor, be certain to explain why.
Recommenders may submit letters of recommendation either by paper or online.
University transcripts
One official transcript from every college/university/graduate institution you have attended since secondary/high school graduation regardless of length of study. Graduates of non-US institutions must also provide one official degree certificate in the original language. English translations are required if the documents are not in English. Official copies (required for admission) must be issued by the school. For review purposes, only scans or photocopies of official documents may be uploaded or mailed.
Minimum academic requirements for international applicants are a 4-year bachelor's degree or a master's degree (2 years after your bachelor's degree).
GMAT or GRE score report
All candidates are required to take the GMAT (preferred) or GRE exam prior to the deadline for which they are applying. There is no minimum acceptable score. We are especially interested in your performance on the quantitative section as an indication of your quantitative proficiency. Please note that the Analytical Writing component is required for both the GMAT and GRE. For fall 2015 admission, we accept official scores from exams taken on or after October 1, 2009. Be sure to have your exam results sent to Berkeley's Full-time MBA Program using institution code N2VPT47 for the GMAT or 0574 for the GRE.
For detailed information:
http://www.gmac.com (GMAT)
http://www.ets.org/gre (GRE)
English language proficiency
The UC Berkeley Graduate Division requires that all applicants who received their degrees from countries in which the official language is not English submit official evidence of English Language Proficiency. This requirement applies to applicants from Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Latin America, the Middle East, North Africa, the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and most European countries. This requirement also applies to US citizens who received their undergraduate degrees in these countries or regions. only applicants who have completed a full year of US university-level coursework with a grade of B or better are exempt from this requirement.
The following courses do not fulfill this requirement: (1) courses in English as a Second Language, (2) courses conducted in a language other than English, (3) courses that will be completed after you apply, and (4) courses of a nonacademic nature.
There are two standardized tests you may take: the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) assessment.
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): Your most recent score must be at least 90 for the Internet-based test (iBT), at least 230 for the computer-based test (CBT), or at least 570 for the paper and pencil test (PBT). For fall 2015 admission, we only accept official scores from exams taken on or after June 1, 2013. To have your exam results sent to Berkeley's Full-Time MBA Program, list institution code 4833 and department code 02. See our class profile for last year's average TOEFL score
IELTS (International English Language Testing System): While TOEFL is preferred, you can submit scores from the Academic Modules of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). For fall 2015 admission, only tests taken on or after June 1, 2013 will be considered. Your most recent overall BAND score must be at least 7 on a 9-point scale.
You can obtain detailed information about the TOEFL by visiting http://www.toefl.org, or the IELTS by visiting http://www.ielts.org/
여기서 재미있으면서 의외인 것은 영어조건입니다. 세계적인 탑 랭킹 비즈니스 스쿨들이 높은 영어점수를 요구하고 있는데 반하여 UC Berkeley Haas는 그렇게 높은 편이 아닙니다. IBT 90, CBT 230, PBT 570이상이면 됩니다. IELTS는 7.0이상이어야 합니다. 영어기준이 넘는 분들은 GMAT등을 잘 준비해서 적극적으로 도전해보시길 바랍니다.
그리고 UC Berkeley Haas 의 입학지원 일정은 아래와 같습니다.
1라운드는 10월 1일에 벌써 마감되었습니다. 1월 7일까지인 2라운드에 도전하시길 바라겠습니다.
미국 서부의 하버드라고 하는 UC Berkeley Haas MBA에 도전하고 싶은 분들은 이번 인포센션을 놓치지 마시길 바랍니다. Haas MBA라서 서초동 삼성타운에 있는 삼성전자도 인포센션장소로 자리를 내오 주었네요! 세계 탑랭킹 MBA에서 GMAT면제, 학비저렴 MBA, 그리고 1년제 MBA까지 니즈에 맞는 다양한 MBA 컨설팅을 해드리고 있으니 반달곰원장에게 편하게 연락하시길 바랍니다. 친절하게 컨설팅 해드리겠습니다.