2015년 10월 영국 쉐필드대학교를 방문하고 담당자와 사진을 찍고 있는 반달곰원장
University of Sheffield MBA
안녕하세요, 반달곰원장입니다.
오늘은 반달곰원장이 영국의 쉐필드로 날아갑니다. 영국의 쉐필드에는 University of Sheffield 라는 명문대학교가 있는데 반달곰원장이 2015년 10월에 방문을 하였었습니다. 학생들이 밝은 표정으로 캠퍼스를 걸어다니고 있던 모습이 기억이 나네요. 바로 이 쉐필드대학교 MBA에 대해서 말씀드릴텐데 MBA의 신뢰도를 높이기 위해서는 랭킹을 먼저 말씀드리겠습니다.
Our rankings
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015/16 position the university at 15th in the UK and 97th in the world
The QS World University rankings put Sheffield at 80th in 2015/16
We were ranked 14th in REF2014 (Research Excellence Framework, December 2014). Eighty-one per cent of our research is considered world leading or internationally excellent, and we are top five in the Russell Group for Research Impact
The Sheffield MBA has been awarded Tier 1 status in the 2015 rankings from CEO Magazine
The Sunday Times University Guide 2014 lists Sheffield at 18th in the UK. This league table is drawn up from criteria including student satisfaction, teaching and research quality, degree results achieved, student-staff ratios and graduate unemployment levels
Criteria for admissions include;
• Candidates must be of a high academic calibre, demonstrated by having a good first degree or professional qualification. Candidates who don’t possess a first degree can be considered if they can demonstrate exceptional work experience
• A minimum of 3 years’ full-time work experience, gained after graduation
• For non-native English speakers,
a minimum IELTS score of 6.5, no section scoring lower than 6.0. Please note if your IELTS is borderline, you can enrol on our presessional English programme, which is designed to enhance your language
and study skills before you begin your MBA
• You also need to submit 2 references, a personal statement and a CV.