미국MBA·Master·학사/MIT·CalTech Master

[MIT Sloan MBA] 미국 동부 MIT Sloan MBA 2020년도 입학지원조건/ 입학수속 컨설팅 및 MIT Sloan on the Road Seoul행사안내

반달곰원장/자유영혼 2019. 7. 6. 17:18

2018년 12월 미국 노스캐롤라이나 UNC Chapel Hill Kenan-Flagler Buisness School을 방문중인 반달곰원장


안녕하세요, 반달곰원장입니다.

오늘은 미국 동부의 명문대학교 MIT의 Sloan MBA에 대해서 말씀드리겠습니다. MIT Sloan MBA의 2020년도 입학지원일정이 발표되었기에 이제 서둘러서 입학지원준비를 하여야 하겠습니다. 2020년도 입학지원일정을 알아보면 아래와 같습니다.

Round 1

Application due: October 1, 2019              Decision released: December 18, 2019


Round 2

Application due: January 21, 2020            Decision released: March 31, 2020


Round 3

Application due: April 9, 2020                    Decision released: May 7, 2020


Applications must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. EST

라운드1은 10월 1일 마감을 하고 라운드의 마감은 2020년 1월 21일입니다. 마지막 라운드3의 마감일은 4월 9일입니다. 그러므로 라운드1과 라운드2의 마감일에 초점을 맞추어서 진행하시길 바라겠습니다. 그런데 입학지원하기전에 MIT Sloan MBA에서 찾고 있는 후보자들은 어떤 자질을 가지고 있어야 하는지를 알아보도록 하겠습니다.

Leadership and an ability to inspire others

A collaborative spirit and focus on community

Intellectual curiosity and analytical strength

Creativity to generate new solutions to existing challenges

Growth in both professional and personal endeavors

본인이 생각하기에 어떤 자질이 만족되는지 어떤 부분이 부족한지를 잘 생각하고 입학지원서 작성할 때 참고하시길 바랍니다. 그그럼 입학지원을 위해서는 무엇이 필요한지 admission requirement를 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.

Cover Letter

Please submit a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA Program. Your letter should conform to a standard business correspondence, include one or more examples that illustrate why you meet the desired criteria (300 words or fewer, excluding address and salutation).



Please submit a one-page resume (Times New Roman 10 point font preferred) that includes your employment history and academic record in reverse chronological order.


Education - please feel free to include relevant awards, scholarships, professional societies

Work Experience - please list in reverse chronological order and include: company name, title, results-oriented bullets that demonstrate your skill set, and dates.

Additional information - languages, extracurricular activities/community service, technical skills/certifications, special skills/interests (if appropriate)


Video Statement

Please take a minute to introduce yourself to your future classmates via video. Include a bit on your past experience and why MIT Sloan is the best place for you to pursue your MBA. Videos should be a single take (no editing) lasting no more than one minute and consisting of you speaking directly to the camera. We recommend using an application such as QuickTime or iMovie to record yourself.


Letter of Recommendation

MBA applicants must submit one letter of recommendation. A professional recommendation is preferred, from an individual who is able to speak with certainty about your professional achievements and potential.

Please choose a recommender who is able to provide specific answers to the following questions:


Please provide a brief description of your interaction with the applicant and, if applicable, the applicant’s role in your organization. (Maximum word count: 50 words)

How does the performance of the applicant compare to that of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? (e.g., what are the applicant’s principal strengths?) (Max word count: 500 words)

Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response. (Max word count: 500 words)

Is there anything else we should know? (Optional)


Additional References

MBA Applicants must provide contact information for two additional references.  We request the names and contact information (phone and email) for each additional reference as well as where they work and their relationship to you.


Similar to the role of a Recommender, these additional reference contacts should be able to speak to your professional and/or academic background. A member of the Admissions Committee may reach out to these references at any time during the evaluation process, should we have additional questions about your background and/or experiences.


Organizational Structure

Please upload an organizational chart which outlines the internal structure of your department and company. Limit to two pages.




 Please scan and upload your transcript(s) from all schools attended or are currently attending. once admitted to the program, you will be required to provide an official signed and sealed transcript from all schools attended.


Test Scores

A valid GMAT or GRE score is required of all applicants and must be taken before submitting your application. We accept both the GMAT and the GRE test results and have no preference for one over the other.


Application Fee

MBA application fee: $250.00 USD

Attendance at certain admission events may qualify you for a fee waiver.



MIT Sloan MBA의 특징은 에세이를 비디오에세이로 받는 다는 것이고 1분 정도분량에 중간없이 녹음되어야 합니다. 그리고 추천서는 한부인데 두명의 추천인 정보를 추가로 제공해야 합니다. 다른 탑랭킹MBA와는 다르게 입학지원조건이 다른데 잘 준비하면 한결 쉬움을 알 수가 있습니다. MIT Sloan MBA를 잘 준비하기 위해서 내일 있을 MIT Sloan on the Road-Seoul 행사에 꼭 참석하시길 바라겠습니다.

MIT Sloan on the Road - Seoul

Sunday, July 7, 2019 at 4:00 PM until 6:00 PM



Hyundai Capital Building 10F

3 Uisadang-Daer, Yeoeuido-Dong Yeongdeungpo-Gu Seoul, Seoul South Korea

반달곰원장이 있는 여의도에서 행사가 있는데 MIT Sloab MBA뿐문 아니라 아래의 석사과정등에 관심있는 분들은 참석하시어 궁금한 것을 문의하시고 어드미션 담당자와 인사를 나누고 관계를 맺으시길 바라겠습니다.

Leaders for Global Operations (LGO)

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Business Analytics (MBAn)

Master of Finance (MFin)

MBA Early Admission

MIT Sloan Fellows MBA (SFMBA)

MIT Sloan MBA 글을 올리고 있는데 행사가 내일이니 잘 되었습니다. MIT Sloan MBA의 1년학비는 7만 7천불이 넘습니다. 2년MBA이므로 약 15만불이 조금 넘는 엄청난 학비입니다. 그러니 신중하게 그리고 목표를 제대로 셋팅한 후에 도전하시길 바랍니다. MIT Sloan MBA 입학지원에 도움이 필요하신 분들은 반달곰원장에게 문의하시기 바랍니다. 방문상담시는 상담비가 있으니 이해 바랍니다.