미국MBA·Master·학사/USC Marshall MBA

[미국대학원] 미국 캘리포니아 LA의 명문사립대학교 University of Southern California Pre Master 프로그램을 통한 대학원진학 안내

반달곰원장/자유영혼 2017. 5. 11. 13:00

2015년 12월 LA에 있는 USC캠퍼스를 방문하고 있는 반달곰원장의 모습

안녕하세요, 반달곰원장입니다.

오늘은 반달곰원장이 미국 캘리포니아의 명문사립대학교인 University of Southern California USC 대학교 대학원 과정에 쉽게 들어갈 수 있는 Pre Master Program에 대해서 말씀드리려고 합니다. USC에 대학원을 준비할 수 있는 Pre Master과정과 Master Preparation과정이 있는데 쉽게 설명을 드리면 USC의 대학원으로 진학을 원하면은 Pre Master를 공부하는 것이고 USC 전공중에서 Pre Master로 들어갈 수 없는 전공을 희망하거나 다른 대학교 대학원과정을 원할 시에는 Master Preparation과정을 하면은 됩니다.

그러면 위에서 설명을 드렸듯이 과연 Pre Master과정을 통해서 입학할 수 있는 USC 대학원과정은 무엇이 있는지를 확인하는 것이 가장 중요합니다. 해당대학원에는 입학하고 싶으나 영어점수 조건을 만족시키지 못하거나 GRE/GMAT점수를 만들지 못했을 경우에는 Pre Master과정에서 열심히 영어공부를 하여서 영어점수 제출을 면제받고 GRE/GMAT공부를 통해서 학과에서 원하는 점수를 만든 다음에 입학하면 됩니다.

이렇게 Pre Master과정을 통해서 입학을 할 수 있는 대학원과정들은 아래와 같이 많이 있습니다.

USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism

·       Communication Management (M.C.M.) † Fall 

·       Journalism (M.S.) † Summer 

·       Public Diplomacy (M.P.D) † Fall 

·       Strategic Public Relations (M.A.) † Fall 
GRE score is required to apply

USC Davis School of Gerontology

·       Aging Services Management (M.A.S.M.) 

·       Gerontology (M.A.)   Fall, Spring 

·       Gerontology (M.S.)   Fall, Spring 

USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

·       Applied Mathematics (M.A.)   Fall, Spring 
GRE score is required to apply

·       Applied Mathematics (M.S.)   Fall, Spring 
GRE score is required to apply

·       Economic Developmental Programming (M.A.)   Fall, Spring 

·       Economics (M.A.)   Fall, Spring 

·       Mathematics (M.A.)   Fall, Spring 
GRE score is required to apply

·       Mathematical Finance (M.S.)   Fall, Spring 
GRE score is required to apply

·       Statistics (M.S.)   Fall 
GRE score is required to apply

USC Keck School of Medicine

·       Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology (M.S.)   Fall, Spring, Summer 
GRE score is required to apply

·       Biostatistics (M.S.)   Fall, Spring, Summer 
GRE score is required to apply

·       Clinical and Biomedical Investigations (M.S.)   Fall, Spring, Summer 

·       Experimental and Molecular Pathology (M.S.)   Fall, Spring 

·       Global Biotechnology (M.S.)   Fall, Spring 

·       Global Medicine (M.S.)   Fall, Spring 

·       Molecular Epidemiology (M.S.)   Fall, Spring, Summer GRE score is required to apply

·       Molecular Microbiology and Immunology (M.S.)   Fall, Spring 

·       Neuroimaging and Informatics (M.S.)   Fall   GRE score is required to apply

·       Public Health (M.P.H.)   Fall, Spring, Summer 

·       Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (M.S.)   Fall 

USC Marshall School of Business

·       Global Supply Chain Management (M.S.)‡ Fall 
GRE/GMAT score is required to apply

·       Social Entrepreneurship (M.S.S.E.)   Summer 

USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

·       Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy –
Post-Professional Master’s

USC Price School of Public Policy

·        Health Administration (M.H.A.)   Fall 
GRE/GMAT score is required to apply

·       International Public Policy and Management-IPPAM (M.P.P.M.)  Summer 

·       Public Policy (M.P.P.)   Fall 
GRE score is required to apply

·       Public Administration (M.P.A.)   Fall 
GRE/GMAT score is required to apply

·       Real Estate Development (M.R.E.D.)   Summer 
GRE/GMAT score is required to apply

·       Planning (M.P.L.)   Fall, Spring 
GRE/GMAT score is required to apply


USC Rossier School of Education

·       Educational Counseling (M.E)  Fall 

·       Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (M.A.T.-TESOL)  Fall 

USC School of Architecture

·       Advanced Architectural Studies: Post-Professional (M.AAS)  Summer 

·       Building Science (M.B.S.)   Fall 
GRE score is required to apply

·       Heritage Conservation (M.H.C.)   Fall 

·       Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)   Fall 

USC School of Pharmacy

·       Healthcare Decision Analysis (M.S.)   Fall, Spring, Summer 

·       Management in Drug Development (M.S.)   Fall, Spring, Summer  GRE score is required to apply

·       Medical Product Quality (M.S.)   Fall, Spring, Summer  GRE score is required to apply

·       Regulatory Science (M.S.)   Fall, Spring, Summer   GRE score is required to apply

USC Viterbi School of Engineering

·       Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering   

o   Aerospace Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Aerospace Engineering (M.S.) / Engineering Management (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Dynamics and Control (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Mechanical Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Mechanical Engineering, Energy Conversion (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Mechanical Engineering (M.S.) / Engineering Management (M.S.) Fall, Spring

·       Astronautical Engineering   

o   Astronautical Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

·       Biomedical Engineering   

o   Biomedical Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Biomedical Engineering, Medical Imaging and Imaging Informatics (M.S.) Fall

o   Biomedical Engineering, Neuroengineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Medical Device and Diagnostic Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

·       Chemical Engineering   

o   Chemical Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

·       Civil & Environmental Engineering   

o   Civil Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Civil Engineering, Transportation Systems (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Civil Engineering, Water and Waste Management (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Environmental Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

·       Computer Science   

o   Computer Science (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Computer Science, Computer Networks (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Computer Science, Computer Security (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Computer Science, Data Science (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Computer Science, Game Development (M.S.) Fall

o   Computer Science, High Performance Computing and Simulation (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Computer Science, Intelligent Robotics (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Computer Science, Multimedia and Creative Technologies (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Computer Science, Software Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Computer Science, Scientists and Engineers (M.S.) Fall, Spring

·       Electrical Engineering   

o   Computer Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Electrical Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Electrical Engineering, Computer Networks (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Electrical Engineering, Electric Power (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Electrical Engineering, Multimedia & Creative Technologies (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Electrical Engineering, VLSI Design (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Electrical Engineering, Wireless Health Technology (M.S.) Fall

o   Electrical Engineering, Wireless Networks (M.S.) Fall, Spring

·       Industrial and Systems Engineering   

o   Industrial and Systems Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Manufacturing Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Operations Research Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Product Development Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

·       Materials Science   

o   Materials Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Materials Science (M.S.) Fall, Spring

·       Petroleum Engineering   
GRE score is required to apply

o   Petroleum Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Petroleum Engineering, Geoscience Technologies (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Petroleum Engineering, Smart Oilfield Technologies (M.S.)Fall, Spring

·       Specialized Degrees   

o   Data Informatics (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Financial Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Green Technologies (M.S.) Fall, Spring

o   Cyber Security Engineering (M.S.) Fall

o   Systems Architecting and Engineering (M.S.) Fall, Spring

위에서 보시면 communication and journalism, school of pharmacy, school of medicine, school of education, school of engineering, school of business 등 정말 많은 전공들이 Pre Master과정을 통한 학생들을 받아들이고 있습니다. 이렇게 Pre Master로 대학원에 진학하기 위해서는 USC 의 대학원에 지원을 해야하고 USC International Academy, 즉 Pre Master프로그램에도 지원을 해야 합니다. 그래서 대학원에서 조건부 입학허가서를 주면 그것을 가지고 영어실력 향상과 GRE/GMAT만드는 공부를 열심히 하면 됩니다.

다시한번 말씀드리지만 Pre Master과정을 통해서 영어는 면제 받을 수가 있지만 각 학과에서 요구하는 GRE/GMAT점수는 스스로 만들어야 합니다. 이렇게 미국탑랭킹 명문사립대학교의 대학원 과정을 쉽게할 수 있는 방법이 있으니 미국 대학원을 원하시는 분들은 USC Pre Master프로그램을 적극적으로 살펴보시길 바랍니다. 반달곰원장이 다음에는 Pre Master과정을 단과대 별로 정리하여 세세하게 설명을 드리겠습니다. 그리고 Master Preparation과정도 다시 한번 글을 올려 설명을 드리겠습니다. 미국 캘리포니아 LA의 USC대학교 대학원입학에 관심있는 분들은 반달곰원장에게 문의하시길 바랍니다.