안녕하세요, 반달곰원장입니다.
반달곰원장이 엄청난 출장들을 소화하느라 반달곰원장의 고객들에게 전달해야 할 좋은 내용들을 계속 못 전해드린 것 같아 이렇게 열심히 글을 올리고 있습니다. 반달곰원장이 싱가폴MBA와 홍콩MBA,그리고 중국MBA를 전문적으로 컨설팅하고 많은 분들을 장학금까지 받게 도와드리고 있는데요, 오늘은 싱가폴의 Nanyang Business School에 대해서 알려드리려고 합니다.
중국의 북경대MBA,칭화대MBA, CEIBS, 상해교통대MBA,푸단대MBA등이 많은 분들에게 인기가 많습니다. 홍콩은 유명한 HKUST MBA,HKU MBA, CUHK MBA등이 인기가 많습니다. 그리고 싱가폴에서 싱가폴국립대NUS MBA, 난양공대 Nanyang MBA,그리고 싱가폴경영대학교 등이 좋습니다.
그중의 Nanyang MBA는 세계랭킹도 높고(올해 파이낸셜타임지 MBA랭킹에서 11계단이 상승한 세계29위에 랭크됨)명성도 높은데 학교에서 강조하고 싶은 10가지 이유가 무엇일까가 궁금해서 그것을 전달하려고 합니다. 10 Reasons to choose the Nanyang MBA. 그 열가지를 간단하게 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.
You will be part of a select group of high – caliber individuals from diverse professional backgrounds and international expertise. Broaden your horizons and gain fresh perspectives to become an effective leader in the global business environment.
Be a part of the Leading People Globally programme, a course that is integrated throughout 2 trimesters of the MBA programme. We nurture leaders who are able to embrace uncertainty, accept ambiguity and acknowledge the various natures of organisations and markets.
The Financial Times (FT) and The Economist rank the Nanyang MBA as Singapore’s top MBA programme in 2016. We are ranked 29th globally and 6th in Asia in the FT Global MBA Ranking 2016.
This is a compact and rigorous 12-month programme that gives you maximum returns on your investment. There are double degree options lasting 15 months to 2 years in Japan, Switzerland or France.
Participants at Nanyang Business School gain insights from over 160 experienced faculty members across 30 nationalities. These faculty members are top academics, business advisers and researchers in their respective areas with PhDs from leading universities.
All MBA participants will work on a “live” consulting project with a sponsor company that may come from a variety of industry sectors. With guidance from faculty supervisors, you will get to apply classroom lessons to real world projects, including market opportunity analysis added to industry’s best practice benchmarking and customer intelligence.
Maximum international exposure is gained through optional international field trips also known as Business Study Missions (BSM), and exchange and summer programmes with one of 60 partner universities worldwide. Past destinations for BSM include Argentina, Myanmar, Mongolia, New Zealand and South Africa.
Choose from three tracks: General Management, Strategy & Innovation or Banking & Finance.
Double MBA or Double Masters
Participants can also obtain two degrees – an MBA from Nanyang Business School and another Masters or MBA degree from a partner business school:
- Nanyang-Waseda Double MBA – two MBA degrees in 14 months in Singapore and Japan
- Nanyang-St Gallen Double Masters – Nanyang MBA and Master of Arts in Strategy & International Management in 24 months in Singapore and St Gallen, Switzerland
- Nanyang ESSEC Double Masters – Nanyang MBA and MSc in Management in 24 months in Singapore and France
NTU was home to the inaugural Youth Olympic Games in 2010. International MBA participants have the opportunity to live in the graduate halls on our lush and serene Yunnan Garden campus.
Leverage the alumni network of 179,800 NTU and 38,000 NBS alumni in 127 countries. Take part in alumni activities and enjoy a host of privileges, which you will find beneficial to your career development and beyond.