안녕하세요! 반달곰원장입니다.
오늘은 미국 캘리포니아 대학교 California State University 23개중의 하나인 CSU San Bernardino 학부과정입학에 대해서 안내를 해드리겠습니다. 미국대학교 입학을 원하는 학생들이 많지요! 왜 미국대학교를 가고 싶은건가요? 한국대학교대신 미국대학교에 입학을 하고 졸업을 하면 인생이 성공할 것 같나요? 만약에 그렇다면 정말 집을 팔아서라도 자녀의 유학자금을 마려해 줘야겠지요. 그러나 그렇지는 않습니다. 영어중에 참 어이없는 숙어중에 하나가 depend on입니다. 맞습니다. 모든 것은 학생하기에 달린 것입니다. Success depends on students' effort and goal.
이러면서 우리나라 교육현실을 살짝 돌아봐야 겠지요! 우리나라의 현실은 새벽부터 밤 늦게까지 학교에서 학원을 챗바퀴돌듯이 돌면서 공부하고 주말에는 과외공부하면서 월 수백만원의 사교육비를 쓰며 공부합니다. 그리고 인서울이 목표이고 서울벗어나면 실망이 이만저만이 아닙니다. 매월 수백만원씩 쓰면 서울대 연고대는 아니더라도 좋은 대학을 갈 줄 알았는데 부모들의 한숨은 땅을 꺼지게 하고도 남을만 합니다.
더 중요한 것은 그렇게 공부시켜서 명문대학교에 입학하여 간신히 졸업을 하였다고 가정해보죠. 그런데 세상은 달라질게 하나도 없습니다. 대기업이나 좋은 직장을 가지위해서는 또 치열하게 경쟁해야 합니다. 솔직히 중소기업이나 강조기업들에는 유능한 젊은이를 위한 일자리들이 많다고 합니다. 그러나 우리는 대기업, 남들이 들어봤을때 아하 거기 하는 정도의 기업에만 취업을 할려고 하니 취업이 잘 안되는 것입니다.
물론 그렇다고 미국대학교가면 이런 문제가 다 해결되느냐, 그것은 절대 아니지요! 앞에서도 말씀드렸지요! It depends on ~~~~ 입니다. 그런데 이상하지만 해외유학을 가면 철드는 경우가 많습니다. 부모돈이라고 펑펑쓰는 사람들도 있지만 1달러의 소중함을 깨닫는 학생들도 많습니다. 그러면서 저절로 인생을 어떻게 살아야하나를 진진하게 고민하면서 한국에서 살던 모습과는 180도 다른 사람이 되곤 합니다. 이렇게 한국학생들이 미국유학을 갈때 Community College를 통해서 명문대학교 편입을 꿈꾸는 경우도 있지만 그것은 어디까지나 목표이고 바로 캘리포니아주립대학교로 입학하는 방법은 어떨까요?
바로 CSU San Bernardino의 수많은 전공과정으로 바로 입학을 할수가 있습니다. 그리고 학비도 1년에 36학점이수하는데 15477달러밖에 들지가 않습니다. 120학점을 이수하는데 학비는 정말 부담없는 수준이라고 할수가 있습니다. 그러면 어떤 전공과정에 지원할수가 있을지 알아보겠습니다.
Degrees and Programs A-Z
- Accountancy, MS
- Accountancy (3:2 Program Option), MS
- Accounting, Certificate
- Accounting, Minor
- Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization Credential
- Administration Accounting Concentration, BA
- Administration Cyber Security Concentration, BS
- Administration Entrepreneurial Management Concentration, BA
- Administration Finance Concentration, BA
- Administration Human Resource Management Concentration, BA
- Administration Information Systems and Technology Concentration, BA
- Administration Information Systems and Technology Concentration, BS
- Administration International Business Concentration, BA
- Administration Management Concentration, BA
- Administration Marketing Concentration, BA
- Administration Public Administration Concentration, BA
- Administration Real Estate Concentration, BA
- Administration Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Concentration, BA
- Administration Supply Chain and Transportation Management Concentration, BA
- Administrative Services Preliminary Credential
- Administrative Services Preliminary (Internship) Credential
- Administrative Services Professional Credential
- Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC) Program
- American Studies, BA
- Anthropology, BA
- Anthropology, Minor
- Applied Archaeology, MA
- Applied Cultural Anthropology, Certificate
- Applied Mathematics, Minor
- Applied Physics, Minor
- Arabic, Certificate
- Arabic, Minor
- Arabic Language, Literature, and Culture, BA
- Archaeology, Certificate
- Art - Art Education, MA
- Art - Studio Art, MA
- Art - Studio Art, MFA
- Art - Studio Art, Minor
- Art - Plan I (Visual Studies), BA
- Art - Plan II (Studio Art), BA
- Art - Plan III (Art History), BA
- Art - Plan IV (Graphic Design), BA
- Art - Plan V (Graphic Design and Marketing), BA
- Art History, Minor
- Asian Studies, Certificate
- Asian Studies, Minor
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Added Authorization in Special Education Credential
- Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Studies: Spanish/English, Certificate
- Bioinformatics, BS
- Biology and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Articulation Program, BS
- Biology, BA
- Biology, BS
- Biology - Ecology and Evolution Option, BS
- Biology - Integrated Teaching Track Option, BA
- Biology, Minor
- Biology, MS
- Biology - Pre-Med Option, BA
- Biology - Pre-Med Option, BS
- Biotechnology, Certificate
- Business Administration, MBA
- Business Administration, Minor
- Business Administration -Executives Option, MBA
- Business Administration - Professionals Option, MBA
- Business Information Mapping, Minor
- Business Skills for the Artist, Certificate
- California Indian Languages and Cultures, Certificate
- Career and Technical Studies, BA
- Career and Technical Studies, BS
- Career and Technical Education Minor
- Career and Technical Education, Certificate
- Chemistry - ACS Certified Option, BS
- Chemistry - Biochemistry Option, BA
- Chemistry - Biochemistry Option, BS
- Chemistry - Chemistry Option, BA
- Chemistry - Integrated Teaching Track Option, BA
- Chemistry, Minor
- Child Development, MA
- Coaching, Certificate
- Communication, BA
- Communication, Minor
- Communication Skills, Certificate
- Communication Studies, MA
- Computer Engineering, BS
- Computer Science, BS
- Computer Science, Minor
- Computer Science, MS
- Computer Systems and Programming, Certificate
- Computer Systems, BA
- Conflict Management, Certificate
- Counseling and Guidance, MS
- Counseling, Certificate
- Creative Writing, MFA (not offered in the 2015-16 Academic Year)
- Criminal Justice, BA
- Criminal Justice, Certificate
- Criminal Justice - Crime Analysis Option, BA
- Criminal Justice, Minor
- Criminal Justice, MA
- Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD), Certificate
- Cyber Security, Certificate
- Designated Subjects Career and Technical Education Credential
- Early Childhood Special Education Added Authorization Credential
- Earth and Environmental Sciences, MS
- Economics, BA
- Economics, Minor
- Economics - Applied Economics Option, BA
- Economics - Mathematical Economics Option, BA
- Economics - Political Economy Option, BA
- Education, Certificate
- Education, Minor
- Education - Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Option, MA - Not offered 2015-16 AY
- Education - Career and Technical Education Option, MA
- Education - Correctional & Alternative Education Option, MA - Not offered 2015-16 AY
- Education - Curriculum and Instruction Option, MA
- Education - Holistic and Integrative Education Option, MA - Not offered 2015-16 AY
- Education - Instructional Technology Option, MA
- Education - Kinesiology Option, MA
- Education - Mathematics and Science Education Option, MA
- Education - Reading and Literacy Option, MA
- Education - Special Education Option, MA
- Education - Teacher Leadership Option, MA (Offered through the College of Extended Learning)
- Education - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Option, MA
- Education of the Gifted and Talented, Certificate
- Education Specialist Clear Credential
- Educational Administration, MA
- Educational Leadership, EdD
- Educational Technology, Certificate
- E-Learning, Certificate
- English, BA
- English Composition, MA
- English, Minor
- Entrepreneurship, Minor
- Environmental Studies, BA
- Environmental Studies, Minor
- Ethnic Studies - Chicano(a)/Latino(a) Studies, Minor
- Ethnic Studies, Minor
- Film Studies, Minor
- Finance, Minor
- Fitness Management, Certificate
- French, BA
- French/English Translation, Certificate
- French, Minor
- Gender and Sexuality Studies, Certificate
- Gender and Sexuality Studies, Minor
- General Experimental Psychology, MA
- Geographic Information Systems, Certificate
- Geography - Geography Option, BA
- Geography - Global Studies, Minor
- Geography - Global Studies Option, BA
- Geography, Minor
- Geology, BA
- Geology, BS
- Geology - Integrated Teaching Track, BA
- German/English Translators, Certificate
- German, Minor
- Gerontology, Certificate
- Graphic Design - Print, Minor
- Graphic Design - Web, Minor
- Health Care Management, Certificate
- Healthcare Spanish, Certificate
- Health Equity and Health Disparities, Certificate
- Health Science, BS
- Health Science, Minor
- Health Services Administration, MS
- Hispanic Literatures, Certificate
- History, BA
- History, Minor
- Holistic and Integrative Education, Certificate
- Human Development - Child Development Track, BA
- Human Development - Lifespan Track, BA
- Human Development - School Age Track, BA
- Human Resources Management, Minor
- Information Systems and Technology, BS
- Information Systems and Technology, Minor
- Information Systems Management, Certificate
- Intelligence Methodology, Certificate
- Intercultural Communication, Minor
- Interdisciplinary Studies, MA
- International Business, Minor
- International Relations, Certificate
- Internship Education Specialist Credential: Early Childhood Special Education with EL Authorization Credential
- Internship Education Specialist Credential: Mild/Moderate Disabilities with EL Authorization Credential
- Internship Education Specialist Credential: Moderate/Severe Disabilities with EL Authorization Credential
- Introductory Actuarial Science, Certificate
- Introductory Mathematics, Certificate
- Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Certificate
- Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Minor
- Japanese, Minor
- Japanese Language and Culture, Certificate
- Jazz Studies, Minor
- Kinesiology - Allied Health Professions Concentration, BS
- Kinesiology - Exercise Science Concentration, BS
- Kinesiology - Pedagogy Concentration, BS
- Kinesiology, Minor
- Latin American Studies, Certificate
- Latin American Studies, Minor
- Law and Philosophy, Minor
- Liberal Studies - Arts and Letters Track (Non-credential), BA
- Liberal Studies - General Track (Pre-credential), BA
- Liberal Studies - Integrated Track (B.A. and Multiple Subject Credential), BA
- Liberal Studies - Spanish Studies Track, BA
- Management, Minor
- Marketing, Minor
- Mathematics and Science Education Option
- Mathematics, BA
- Mathematics, BS
- Mathematics, MA
- Mathematics, Minor
- Mathematics - Teaching Track, BA
- Military Science (Army ROTC) Program
- Multiple Subject Credential
- Multiple Subject Bilingual, Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) Credential
- Multiple Subject Credential and Multiple Subject Credential with Bilingual Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development Emphasis (BCLAD) (Intern Track) Credential
- Museum Studies, Certificate
- Music, BA
- Music, BM
- Music, Minor
- National Security Studies, MA
- National Cyber Security Studies, MS
- Native Nations/Indigenous Peoples Studies, Certificate
- Nursing, BS
- Nursing, MS
- Nursing - RN to BSN Bridge Program, BS
- Nutrition and Food Sciences, BS
- Nutrition and Food Sciences, Minor
- Philosophical Logic, Minor
- Philosophy, BA
- Philosophy, Minor
- Philosophy, Policy, and Economics, Minor (Department of Economics)
- Philosophy, Policy, and Economics, Minor (Department of Philosophy)
- Physics - Applied Physics Option, BS
- Physics, BA
- Physics, BS
- Political Economy, Minor
- Political Science, BA
- Political Science, Minor
- Pre-Law, Minor
- Preliminary Education Specialist Credential: Early Childhood Special Education with EL Authorization Credential
- Preliminary Education Specialist Credential: Mild/Moderate Disabilities with EL Authorization Credential
- Preliminary Education Specialist Credential: Moderate/Severe Disabilities with EL Authorization Credential
- Professional Clear Level II Education Specialist Credential: Early Childhood Special Education with EL Authorization
- Professional Clear Level II Education Specialist Credential: Mild/Moderate Disabilities with EL Authorization
- Professional Clear Level II Education Specialist Credential: Moderate/Severe Disabilities with EL Authorization
- Psychology, BA
- Psychology - Industrial and Organizational Psychology Concentration, BA
- Psychology - Biological Psychology Concentration, BA
- Psychology, Minor
- Psychology, MS
- Public Administration, Minor
- Public Administration, MPA
- Public Health, MPH
- Public Relations, Minor
- Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Counseling
- Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Psychology
- Puppetry, Certificate
- Reading and Literacy, Certificate
- Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist Credential
- Real Estate, Minor
- Recording Arts, Minor
- Recreation Leadership, Certificate
- Recreation, Minor
- Rehabilitation Counseling, Certificate
- Rehabilitation Counseling, MA
- School Business Management, Certificate
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education, MS
- Script Writing, Minor
- Single Subject Credential - Intern Track
- Single Subject Credential - Student Teaching Track
- Social Sciences - Credential Track, BA
- Social Sciences and Globalization, MA
- Social Sciences - Multidisciplinary Track, BA
- Social Services, Certificate
- Social Work, BA
- Social Work, MSW
- Sociology, BA
- Sociology, Minor
- Sociology - Social Service Track, BA
- Spanish, BA
- Spanish, MA
- Spanish, Minor
- Spanish Applied Linguistics, Certificate
- Spanish for Public Services, Certificate
- Special Major, BA
- Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Minor
- Supervision and Coordination of Designated Subjects Program
- Supply Chain Management, Certificate
- Supply Chain Management, Minor
- Teaching English as a Second Language, Certificate
- Teaching-Mathematics, MA
- Teaching Writing, Certificate
- Theatre Arts, BA
- Theatre Arts, MA (not offered in the 2015-16 Academic Year)
- Theatre Arts, Minor
- Theatre for Youth, Certificate
- Urban Planning, Certificate
- Writing: Creative Writing, Certificate
- Writing: Professional Writing, Certificate
다른 전공들도 유명하지만 비즈니스와 public administration전공이 매우 유명합니다. 이런 CSUSB에 입학하기위한 입학조건을 살펴보겠습니다.
- GPA requirement: High school overall GPA 2.5 or above
- English requirement: TOEFL (iBT 61 or PBT 500), IELTS (5.5 band score) taken within 2 years, or successful completion of level 5 of the university English Language Program.
*English requirement might be waived if study at English teaching institution for over 3 years. - English translation of non-English documents
- International online application: csumentor.edu
- $55 application fee: credit card, check, or money order (Payable to CSUSB)
- Bank/financial statement
- Official transcripts sealed in an envelope by school
- Official high school diploma sealed in an envelope by school
- Copy of passport
가장 중요한 것은 고등학교성적과 영어실력입니다. 영어는 IBT 61점, IELTS 5.5 그리고 CSUSB부설어학원의 영어레벨 5이상을 이수하면 됩니다. 그래서 다른 조건은 다 만족시키는데 영어만 부족한 경우는 조건부입학을 하여 CSUSB에 입학할 수가 있습니다. 캘리포니아LA인근의 샌버나디노에서 대학교학사입학, 대학원입학, MBA입학, 그리고 대학교조건부입학을 하고 싶은 분은 반달곰원장에게 문의하시길 바랍니다. 반달곰원장이 CSUSB의 한국공식파트너로서 최선을 다해 입학을 도와드리겠습니다.