미국MBA·Master·학사/HULT MBA·석사·BBA

HULT MBA(헐트) i-Pad 가상수업

반달곰원장/자유영혼 2011. 7. 20. 17:27

케이스 스터디, 뭔가 회계로 고민하고 계십니까?
HULT MBA는 학생들의 학습을 돕기위해,

MBA 과정수학 중 생길 수 있는 모든 분야에 대한 지원을 하고 있습니다 .

또한 , 2011 년MBA 입학생들은 Apple 사의 iPad 를 지급받게 되며

이를 통해 학습자료 및 가상수업에 접속할 수 있습니다.




At Hult, we prepare you for the future.

Equipped with one of today's most revolutionary pieces of technology, the iPad 2, you will have access to a variety of digital-based learning applications - enabling you to take your learning to the next level. As a pioneer in innovative learning, Hult recognizes the value that digital-based learning can bring to the classroom. All incoming EMBA, MBA and Master students will receive an Apple iPad 2 to access course materials and electronic text books. You will be able to download useful apps to allow for a more dynamic learning experience as well as review key concepts from the classroom with virtual tutorial sessions accessible on iTunesU.

Virtual tutors will comprise of Hult faculty members and VIP guests from industry who will present engaging topics that can be accessed at any time by Hult students all around the world. Virtual tutorials are designed to add value to the existing curriculum and to supplement offline learning.


(from HULT website)



세계적인 탑클래스 1년제 MBA인 HULT MBA(헐트MBA) 문의는 HULT MBA 4개 캠퍼스(보스톤, 샌프란시스코, 런던, 상하이)를 두루 돌아다니며 학교를 탐방한 반달곰원장에게 문의 바랍니다. 친절하게 최고의 컨설팅으로 상담해드리겠습니다. 010-4240-0483 heyjames3@gmail.com