기타/PSP in India

Hi! Everyone!

반달곰원장/자유영혼 2008. 10. 25. 12:38

Good morning!

This is Bandalgom!

I stay in Mcleodgang,which is famous for refugee, to have a trip.

It took 12hours to come here by bus.

I felt almot dying because of its inconveniance and too long trip.

But, when i arrived at mcleodganj, I felt very happy.



I had a long trecking to Triwund.

It took half and 3hours to reach the top of the mountain.

Triwund is 2975m high.

That's very high!!!


My compaion applauded me that I was very good at walking.

hahahaha....It's natural that i walk very well, but They didn't know that i am menber of walking cafe.


Anyway I walked for 8 huors.

I will show the picture that had a wonderful view.


I will be back to Delhi tonight.

See you later.




Bandaldom!!! hahahahahaha.....