미국MBA·Master·학사/Minnesota Carlson MBA

[미국MBA] 미국 미네소타 University of Minnesota Carlson MBA 2017학년도 입학지원 일정/입학지원서작성 10가지 TIP안내

반달곰원장/자유영혼 2017. 1. 8. 22:56

안녕하세요, 반달곰원장입니다.

이번주가 매우 바쁘시지요? 2017년 새해가 밝아 왔는데 비즈니스스쿨들의 2라운드 마감들이 몰려있어서 정신 없이 바쁜 날들을 보내고 있습니다. 실제로 수속을 진행하는 분들도 계시고 아니면 입학지원시 궁금한 것을 문의하는 분들도 계시는데 모두 모두 좋은 결과만드시길 바라겠습니다. 그럼 오늘은 미국의 명문대학교중의 하나인 미네소타대학교 University of Minnesota 의 Carlson MBA에 대해서 말씀을 드리겠습니다. 오늘 말씀드릴 내용은 바로 10 Insider Tips for Completing a Winning MBA Application입니다. 그 내용들을 핵심적인 내용을 바탕으로 알아보도록 하겠습니다.

10 Insider Tips for Completing a Winning MBA Application

1. Take the leap and apply now

Whether you’re fully committed or you remain unsure about earning your MBA, apply for admission now. Applying sooner will offer you more flexibility and—depending on the round you’re applying in—can increase your likelihood of attending your top choice school. If you’re admitted to your program of choice, you may not be required to enroll in classes immediately: for example, the Carlson MBA Program allows admitted students to defer their admission for up to one academic year while they get their career, financial, and personal affairs in order.

2. Hit the early deadline, if possible

If your chosen MBA program offers multiple round deadlines for admission, do your best to apply by the first or second round deadlines. As schools accept more applicants, merit-based scholarship funds dwindle. The longer you wait to apply, the lesser chance you have of earning a scholarship. The Carlson MBA Program automatically considers all applicants for academic scholarships, but the funds are awarded on a rolling basis.

3. Be authentic in your personal statement

When you write your personal statement, you need not be a novelist or a comedian—just be yourself. Answer the stated question in the clearest way possible, and be honest. Your personal statement should be tailored to each school you apply to. The Carlson MBA admissions team uses your personal statement to determine whether the program is a good fit for your career goals, and whether your background and experience will be an asset to fellow students in the MBA community.

4. Establish your timeline

The typical Carlson MBA applicant takes anywhere from 3-18 months to explore MBA programs, study for and take the GRE/GMAT, and compile/submit their application materials.

5. Don’t be disheartened by your test score

Your GMAT/GRE score is certainly a key component in your MBA application. But don’t let a lower-than-expected score dissuade you from applying to business school. The Carlson MBA Program does a holistic review of each candidate that accounts for years/quality of professional experience, program fit, academic background, and more. If possible, apply using the score you have today: you can always retake the exam and reapply the next year if you’re not granted admission to your top-choice school.

6. Choose your recommenders wisely

It’s common for business schools to require MBA applicants to include letters of recommendation or professional references. Think about your network, and choose people who are familiar with your work ethic, your skillset, and your accomplishments. These can be current or past colleagues, and they need not be supervisors or higher-level managers: Your references’ job titles are less important than the capacity in which they’ve worked with you in the past. The Carlson MBA Program requires professional references in lieu of letters of recommendation, but choosing your recommenders should follow a similar process.

7. Polish your résumé

Your professional experience is extremely important to business school admissions. You should update and fine tune your résumé to best reflect your work history. Most MBA programs (including the Carlson School) require at least two years of career experience for admittance.

Your resume should highlight a few key themes:

  • How your work has impacted your team or organization in a quantifiable way
  • How you have taken on a leadership role in a professional environment
  • How your professional experience will be an asset to your peers in the program

8. Celebrate your non-traditional background

Building a diverse community of students is a priority for many MBA programs. Applicants who studied non-business disciplines as an undergraduate student, or who come from diverse backgrounds enrich the classroom in countless ways. If you’re a non-traditional student, highlight how you’ve used your skills to make an impact in your work. Carlson MBA admissions staff are interested in fostering diversity–in students’ mindsets, backgrounds, and experiences.

9. Reach out for help

If you find yourself stuck on any component of your application, reach out to the school’s admissions staff. Oftentimes, the admissions office is happy to help applicants navigate the process. To be connected with a Carlson MBA admissions representative, email ftmba@umn.edu.

10. Be diligent

If you’re not granted admission to your business school of choice, do apply again. Contact the admissions staff and ask whether there are any areas of your application that could be strengthened. The Carlson MBA makes reapplying easy: applicants must submit an updated resume and personal statement, but need not re-send test scores or personal references.

위의 내용의 핵심은 MBA 지원을 생각했다면 지금 지원하라는 것입니다. 그리고 가능하면 데드라인에 맞추라는 뜻입니다. 에세이쓸때는 진실되게 작성하고 지원서 작성을 위한 시간계획을 잘 세워야 합니다. GMAT이나 IBT등 영어성적에 의해서 너무 상처받지 말 것이며, 누구를 추천인으로 할지 잘 생각해서 현명하게 정하라는 것과 직장경력 커리어 위주로 영문이력서를 매력적으로 쓰라는 것과 학업이외에 다양한 활동이나 백그라운드를 잘 보이게끔 만들라는 것도 중요한 요소입니다. 그리고 지원서 작성하다가 도움이 필요하면 언제든지 도움을 요청하고 도움을 받아야 한다는 것과 가장 중요한 요소는 부지런함 입니다. 

위와 같은 요소들을 바탕으로 지원서를 작성하면 MBA지원서는 멋지게 보일 것입니다. 그럼 University of Minnesota 의 Carlson MBA의 입학지원일정이 어떻게 되는지 알아보도록 하겠습니다.

Deadlines for U.S. and International Applicants

  • Apply by November 1 to receive a response by January 15
  • Apply by December 1 to receive a response by February 15
  • Apply by February 1 to receive a response by April 15

Carlson MBA는 벌써 1, 2라운드지원이 마감되었고 마지막 라운드인 3라운드만 남았습니다. 그 데드라인은 바로 2월1일입니다. 2월 1일까지 위에서 설명한 내용을 바탕으로 입학지원서 작업을 하면 됩니다. 반달곰원장이 많이 바쁘지만 도움을 필요로 하는 분들에게는 언제든지 도움을 드리도록 하겠습니다. 그럼 연락주시길 바랍니다.