
오타와 여행-캐나다 국회의사당 주변 동상 및 이모저모

반달곰원장/자유영혼 2012. 12. 8. 15:37

오타와에 있는 캐나다 국회의사당은 외부의 멋진 경관뿐만 아니라 내부의 하원의회, 상원의회 그리고 의회도서관 실내장식들이 너무나 다 멋지다. 그뿐 아니라 캐나다 국회의사당 주변에는 역사적인 인물들의 동상들을 세워서 그들의 업적을 기리고 역사를 얼마나 중요시 하는지를 보여주고 있다.


캐나다의 수도가 오타와라는 사실을 잘 모르는데 그것은 오타와보다 토론토나 몬트리올이 훨씬 크고 인구가 많기 때문이다. 그러나 토론토나 몬트리올은 미국과 국경이 가까와서 1858년에 오타와로 정했다고 한다. 미국과 캐나다가 아무리 사이좋게 지내도 그런 부분을 염두에 두나 보다.


인구가 35만명밖에 되지는 않지만 캐나다의 수도로서 정치 경제 문화의 중심지로서 역할을 충분히 하고 있다고 한다. 그리고 매년 150만명의 관광객들이 오타와의 국회의사당을 찾는다고 한다.


암튼 이런 오타와 팔러먼트힐에 있는 캐나다 국회의사당의 주변을 돌면서 그들과 소통하고자 하였다. 

 이분은 Sir John A. Macdonald (1815-1891) 맥도날드 경이다.

As one of the Fathers of Confederation and Canada's first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald's role in shaping Canada's history is unparalleled. During his years as Prime Minister, Canada experienced rapid growth and prosperity. Manitoba, British Columbia and Prince Edward Island joined Confederation, while the last spike of the Canadian Pacific Railway's transcontinental line was driven into the ground.

The competition for the statue received approximately 44 submissions from artists in Canada, the United States of America, Great Britain and Europe. The committee of cabinet members and Public Works officials chose the statue designed by Quebec artist Louis-Philippe Hébert.

연방의 창시자중 한분이며 캐나다의 첫번째 수상이 바로 존 A 맥도날드 경이다.

 Queen Elizabeth II 엘리자베스 2세 여왕

Depicted on her horse Centenial – the former RCMP horse officially presented to Her Majesty in 1977 – Queen Elizabeth II has reigned as Canada's monarch since 1952.

The monument was unveiled as part of Canada's 125th anniversary celebrations. Jack Harman and his staff of ten worked for two years to create this monument

퀸 엘리자베쓰2세는 1952년부터 영연방의 군주로서 캐나다를 통치해왔다. 이 동상은 캐나다 독립 125주년 기념의 한부분으로 오픈되었는데 Jack Harman 과 그의 스탭10명이 2년에 걸쳐 제작한 것이다.

 The Famous Five

Inaugurated on October 18, 2000, this monument entitled "Women are Persons!" is a tribute to Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Emily Murphy, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards. Known as the Famous Five, these women won the "Persons" Case, a 1929 court ruling which legally declared women as persons under the British North America Act and made them eligible for appointment to the Canadian Senate (To learn more about the "Persons" Case and the Famous Five, visit the National Archives of Canada website).

캐나다의 유명한  Famous Five- 여성은 사람인가? 이런 질문을 지금 우리나라에서 한다면 맞아죽을 것이다. 그러나 1927년 다섯명의 캐나다 어성 Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Emily Murphy, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards은 캐나다 대법원에 영국령 북미법아래 여자는 사람으로 법적으로 인정되는지를 물었던 것이다. 그런데 캐나다 대법원은 여성은 사람의 범위에 포함되지 않는다라고 판결을 내리는 어처구니 없는 판결을 내린다. 캐나다 대법원은 이 famous five의 질문의 요지를 여성이 상원의원이 될수 잇는 자격이 되는가로 이해를 하고 이 소송을 기각한다고 판결을 내렸다고 한다. 이것이 캐나다 법의 역사상 가장 중요한 사건의 하나인 'Persons' 케이스이다.


그 다섯분중의 한분이 바로 Louise McKinney (1868-1931)이다, 그녀는 politician and temperance campaigner. She was president of the Dominion Women's Christian Union and elected to the Alberta legislature in 1917 as representative of the non-partisan league.

 왼쪽에 있는 분이 에밀리 G 머피이고 오른쪽에 있는 분이 헨리엗\타 뮈르 에드워드이다.

Emily G. Murphy (1868-1933), instigator of the Persons Case, writer, and first woman magistrate in the British Empire. She pioneered married women's rights, was National President of the Canadian Women's Press Club 1913-1920, vice-president of the National Council of Women and first president of the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada.

Henrietta Muir Edwards, (1849-1931), journalist, suffragist and organizer, fought for equal rights for wives, mothers' allowances and women's rights. She started the Working Girls' Association in Montreal in 1875, a forerunner of the Young Women's Christian Association(YWCA). Later, while living in Alberta, she compiled two works on Alberta and federal laws affecting women and children.

 왼쪽에 차드시는 분이 네리 L 맥클렁이고 오른쪽이 아이린 팔비이다.

Nellie L. McClung (1873-1951), novelist, journalist, suffragette and temperance worker. She was a member of the Alberta legislature, the only woman on the Dominion War Council, and the first woman on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Board of Governors.

Irene Parlby (1868-1965), suffragette and politician. She was elected president of the women's branch of the United Farmers of Alberta in 1916 and became a member of the Alberta legislature in 1921. She was still a member of Parliament at the time of the Persons Case.


이분은 윌리엄 리옹 맥킨지 킹이다.  

William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874-1950)

As the father of unemployment insurance, family allowance, and Canadian citizenship, King's accomplishments continue to affect the day-to-day lives of every Canadian. Leading the country in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, King held power for almost 22 years.

This statue was to be the first of four centennial statues to commemorate those Canadian Prime Ministers who played major roles in the shaping of the nation. In creating this monument, the Quebec artist Raoul Hunter strove to convey the forcefulness and determination that defined the strength of King's character.

 퀸 엘리자베쓰여왕의 동상이 국회의사당을 바라 보고 서있다.


Robert Baldwin (1804-1858) and Sir Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine (1807-1864)

This monument is the only one on Parliament Hill to honour two statesmen at once. Erected in 1914, it pays tribute to these two men who played a pivotal role in the peaceful movement towards responsible government in pre-Confederation Canada.

The competition for this statue was limited to Canadian artists. Walter Seymour Allward of Toronto was chosen unanimously by the then-newly formed Advisory Arts Council, a body formed to advise the Government on matters of art.

이 동상은 동시에 두명의 의회의원을 기리기위해 설립된 유일한 팔러먼트힐에 있는 동상이다. 이 두의원들은 캐나다가 연방이 되기전에 책임정부를 향한 평화로운 운동에 핵심적인 역할을 했던 분들이다. 그 두분이 바로 로버트 볼두윈과 루이스 히포리트 라폰타인경이다. 

 Thomas D'Arcy McGee (1825-1868)

A Father of Confederation and a great orator, Irish-born Thomas D'Arcy McGee was one of the most vigorous supporters of Canadian Confederation. McGee was also known for speaking out against the Fenians, a group of Irish Americans who sought to invade Canada in the 1860s. His opposition to this group may have caused his death. He was shot and killed in 1868, by an assassin who many believe was a Fenian.

The competition for this statue was held simultaneously with one for a statue of George Brown. Both men were strong advocates of Confederation and both met violent and untimely deaths. Quebec sculptor George William Hill won both competitions.

이 동상은 연방의 창시자이자 위대한 연설가인 토마스다시 맥기의 동상이다. 아일랜드에서 태어난 그는 캐나다연방탄생의 가장 왕성하게 활동한 후원자중의 한사람이다.  

 Victoria Tower Bell

The Victoria Tower Bell was cast in 1875 and installed in the Victoria Tower in 1877. The Bell fell from the Tower in the Centre Block fire of 1916 and is one of the few remaining links to Canada's first house of government.

This monument, restored in the year 2000 with the financial support of the Canadian Bankers Association, is a tribute to the role that the Bell played in an earlier time. It is showcased on a circular granite base, etched as the face of a clock, that represents its role in the keeping of time. The Bell's inclined position recalls the angle at which it came to rest after falling during the fire of 1916.

빅토리아 타워 벨-빅토리아 타워벨은 1875년에 명명되었고 1877년에 빅토리아 타워에 설치되었다. 그 벨은 1916 중앙블록 화재속에 타워에서 떨어져 내렸다고 한다. 이 벨은 캐나다의 첫번째 정부의회에 연루된 거의 남아있지 않은 유물중의 하나이다.

 Police Memorium

On March 22, 1994, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien joined the more than 700 police officers and relatives of slain officers to inaugurate the new Memorial site behind the Parliament buildings. The Canadian Police Association (CPA) and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) dedicated the new Canadian Police Memorial Pavilion, and the granite stone at the base of the pavilion that displays the names of officers killed while on duty.

On September 24, 1998, the Government of Canada officially proclaimed the last Sunday of September of every year as Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day. In announcing the commemorative day on September 27, 1998, the Solicitor general of Canada stated that "A formal, national Memorial Day gives Canadians an opportunity each year to formally express appreciation for the dedication of police and peace officers, who make the ultimate, tragic sacrifice to keep communities safe."

The Canadian Police and Peace Officers' Memorial Service is a lasting tribute to the sacrifice of those brave men and women killed during the performance of duty. As the Memorial reminds us, "They are our heroes. We shall not forget them."


경찰기념관이다. 경찰관들이 임무중에 사망한 경찰들을 기리기위해 세원 기념관이다. 겉모양은 일본이나 동남아스타일의 건물이지만 전혀 그런 영향을 받지않고 세운 건물이라고 한다. 마지막 말, 그들은 우리의 영웅이다. 우리는 그들을 잊지않을 것이다라는 말이 매우 인상적이다.

 George Brown (1818-1880)

As a newspaper editor and politician, George Brown first became active in politics in 1844. Having founded a newspaper in Toronto called the Globe, he lent its support first to responsible government and later to the Confederation movement. He also fought for Confederation while serving as a Member of Parliament from the 1850s to 1867. Thirteen years after he retired from elected office, he was accidentally shot by an ex-employee of the newspaper and died from the subsequent infection.

Installed in 1913, this statue was created by Quebec artist George William Hill. In creating this statue, Hill emphasized the importance of Brown's support for the cause of responsible government.

신문편집자이자 정치가인 조지브라운은 1844년에 처음 정치에 활동하게 되었다. 글로브라는 신문사에 ㅌ론토에 설립하고 그는 구의 지지자들에게 책임정부를 전해주었고 나중에 연방운동에 참여하게 영향을 끼치었다.

History of the Memorial:

The murder of Ottawa rookie Cst. David Kirkwood, on July 11, 1977, launched a response that, today, has become a nationally recognized ceremony, honouring police and peace officers killed in the line of duty. The site selected for the ceremony was Parliament Hill.

Following that first ceremony, a number of features have become tradition and, at the same time, some modifications to the event have occurred as well. The ceremony was expanded to honour other police officers murdered in the line of duty and this criterion of inclusion was itself modified years later to include all officers killed in the line of duty. This current criterion has been applied retroactively, and names of officers killed in the line of duty, from years gone by, are now being added to the Memorial stone. The original ceremonies were limited to police and correctional officers killed but that criterion was expanded, in 1995, to include all peace officers so that all areas of law enforcement are now included in one single ceremony.

During the 1984 service in Ottawa, a Memorial book of remembrance for police and correctional officers killed, while on duty, was introduced by the Office of the Solicitor General and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP).

역사 발물관

 Alexander Mackenzie (1822-1892)

Once a member of his cabinet, Sir Wilfrid Laurier described Mackenzie as one of the truest and strongest characters to be met within Canadian History." During his five years as Prime Minister, the Supreme Court of Canada and the Auditor General's Office were established. He also introduced changes to election laws that included the right to secret ballot and universal male suffrage.

The competition for this statue was run concurrently with the monument in honour of Queen Victoria. After much deliberation both contracts were awarded to Quebec artist Louis-Philippe Hébert. After being displayed at the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1900, the statue of Alexander Mackenzie was placed on Parliament Hill in 1901.

알렉산더 맥킨지-그는 옛날에 그의 정부요인중의 한사람인 윌프리드 로리에경이 그를 표현하길 캐나다 역사상 가장 믿을 수 있고 가장 강한 사람중의 한사람이라고 했다. 그의 수상으로 활약한 5년동안 캐나다 대법원과 감사원을 설립하였다.

 Sir George-Étienne Cartier (1814-1873)

Banished early in his political career for participating in the Rebellion in Lower Canada in 1837, Sir George-Étienne Cartier would go on to be created a baronet for the integral role he played in Canadian Confederation. Cartier formed a joint ministry for a United Canada from 1857 to 1862 with long-time friend Sir John A. Macdonald, thus serving as joint Prime Minister. Cartier died in 1873 at the age of 58.

Deeply affected by Cartier's death, Macdonald proposed that he be given both a state funeral and commemorative monument. As the first monument to be erected on Parliament Hill, the competition attracted entries from Canada, the United States of America, Great Britain, and Italy. The winner was Quebec sculptor Louis-Philippe Hébert. This would prove to be the first of four monuments he would create for Parliament Hill

조지 에티엥 카르티에 경

Queen Victoria (1819-1901)

Queen Victoria officially chose Ottawa as Canada's capital in 1857. Nearly forty years later, a monument to Queen Victoria, intended as part of a lavish celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, the sixtieth year of her reign, was proposed for the Hill.

The competition for this monument was only open to Canadian sculptors. Louis-Philippe Hébert, a sculptor from Quebec, won the contract. Before being placed on Parliament Hill, the statue was first displayed at the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1900.

빅토리아 여왕