해외MBA·Master·학사/Other MBAs

[유럽MBA] 프랑스 EDHEC MBA 에서 말하는 GMAT성적올리는 12가지 방법 안내

반달곰원장/자유영혼 2014. 12. 13. 13:21









안녕하세요! 반달곰원장입니다.




오늘은 유럽MBA중 프랑스에 있는 10개월 집중 MBA인 EDHEC MBA에서 말하는 GMAT점수 향상을 위한 12가지 팁을 안내하여 드리겠습니다. 세계적인 인증기관인 AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA 의 인증을 모두 받은 EDHEC MBA에 입학하기 위해서는 아래와 같은 입학서류가 필요합니다.



  1. A completed online application
  2. CV / Resume
  3. Copy of ID or Passport
  4. Degree/Diploma
  5. Transcripts (final 2 years)
    Certified translations are required if these documents are not in either English or French.
  6. Two application essays.
  7. Two letters of recommendation sent by your referees to the Admissions Office by post or via their professional email account. References arriving via personal email accounts such as GMAIL cannot be accepted for obvious reasons.  Free style or a reference form can be used.
  8. Your GMAT or GRE score report. No waivers can be granted but your test scores may be sent at a later date with prior consent from admissions manager. 



여기서 GMAT/GRE는 어떠한 환경에서도 면제가 안되는 필수 서류로서 꼭 제출하여야 합니다. 비록 점수제출이 좀 늦어도 면제가 안되는 필수 사항임을 강조하고 있습니다. 그러면서 이 학교에서 GMAT점수를 향상시킬 수 있는 12가지 방법을 이야기하고 있는 그 면면을 살펴보면 아래와 같습니다.




• Plan your test date well in advance(미리 시험일정을 잘 준비하고 계획하라)
Admissions offices will have a deadline for score submission and candidates often push back their test to that latest possible date. As test centres fill up quickly, this either means they find themselves having to sit the test far from home or else without enough time to re-sit if disaster strikes on the day.

• Make a revision schedule and stick to it(시험공부 계획을 세우고 거기에 집중하라)
Little and often works best. Rather than wade through an ominous revision book, opt for a free online revision course and set yourself a few daily drills.

• Learn to recognize question types(질문유형 파악하는 법을 배워라)
The same type of questions pops up in each exam and if you can learn to spot their disguise, you’ll know to tackle them in the same way.

• Don’t under-estimate each section(각 세션을 저평가하지마라)
Because of their logical way of thinking, Engineers and Scientists naturally find the Quantitative section easier than those in more creative roles such as Marketing or HR but this said, no one should under-estimate the Maths. While the level is little higher than Grade 11, you will need to brush off your algebra and geometry cobwebs and perhaps review some technical vocabulary, especially if English is not your mother tongue. For the Verbal section, full marks even for native English speakers are rare so remember The Hare and the Tortoise.

• Don’t ease off the revision when you hit your target score.(당신이 목표점수를 달성했을때 복습을 완화하지마라)
Increase the amount of revision you do towards G-Day. on the day of the test, nerves can take over and candidates typically lose 30-40 points.

• Do nothing new a week before the test(시험일주일전에는 새로운 어떤 것도 하지마라)
A week from the test, don’t take on new question styles. If you can’t master them your stress level will rise and your head will swim. Concentrate on what you know already and review and review and review.

• Warm Up(준비운동을 해라)
The integrated reasoning section comes before the quantitative and verbal sections so if you’ve got the confirmation from your targeted business schools that they don’t use this section, use this section as a warm up for the rest of the test. Focus your attention and try to do your best but use it to steady your nerves at the same time.

• Know your CAT(너의 CAT 를 알아라)
Remember the GMAT is a Computer Adaptive Test (the questions get harder or easier depending on how you do in the previous question). Spend time on the first 5 questions – they are the most important. If you get them wrong, the CAT algorithm will make the subsequent questions easier and therefore worth fewer points.

• Keep your eye on the clock.(계속해서 시계를 주시하라)

After the first few questions, pace yourself well and note that even native English-speakers find it hard to get through the verbal section in time. Divide the remaining time over the remaining questions and check you are on time every so often. In the Quant section, one hour from the end, you should be at Q7, 45 minutes from the end, you should have finished Q15 etc. Give yourself longer for the last few questions if possible as it’s also important that you complete the test entirely and wild guessing at the end also costs points.

• Copy Carefully(주의깊게 복사해라)

You’re allowed a dry erase board for scrap paper but copying hastily from a screen to paper can lead to careless mistakes such as inversed digits. Verify you’re working with the right figures before you start the calculation.

• Eliminate wrong answers (P.O.E.)(잘못된 답들을 제거하라)
The Process of Elimination is just a fancy way of guessing and it’s the best way to handle difficult questions that you know you just can’t work out. Eliminate the answers that just can’t be right – if everything else ends in a 0, don’t choose the 3, if everything else is negative, don’t pick the positive.


• once completing the test, the computer will immediately issue a test taker copy of your score report. Show consideration to your schools by sending them this by scan while waiting for the official score to arrive 2-3 weeks later. Most schools will appreciate this gesture. If you’re disappointed with the results, know that you can retake 31 days later.



많이 알고 있는 과정이나 GMAT시험볼 때마다 많이 실수하고 리듬을 잃다보니 점수가 잘 안나오는 것 같습니다. GMAT을 볼때 얼마나 정신을 집중하고 시험을 보느냐에 따라서 점수가 100점이상 차이가 날 수 있습니다. 혼자서 독학도 좋지만 많은 사람들에게 노하우와 조언을 얻는 것이 중요하기에 GMAT전문 학원을 다니는 것이 좋습니다. 3-4개월 집중 공부하고 치르는 시험의 점수가 거의 최고의 점수일 가능성이 높기에 초반에 집중해서 공부해야 합니다.




2015학년도 MBA를 위해서 열심히 준비하시는 직장인분들을 위해서 반달곰원장이 주말 상담을 제공하고 있습니다. 2014년이 저물어가고 2015년도가 밝아 오는 세모의 계절에 반달곰원장은 여러분과 같이 뛰고 있습니다. GMAT점수로 고민하시는 분, GMAT점수가 없어서 고민하시는 분, GMAT점수가 낮아서 고민하시는 분 등 많은 분들의 상담을 해드리고 있으니 언제든 편하게 연락주시길 바랍니다.