방문학자·방문연구/Wake Forest Univ.

[미국방문연구] Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center 방문학자 프로그램- 의사, 전문의를 위한 visiting scholar program

반달곰원장/자유영혼 2014. 11. 14. 10:57








안녕하세요! 반달곰원장입니다.




오늘은 미국 노스캐롤라이나주의 Wake Forest University  의과대학교의 Baptist Medical Center의 방문학자 프로그램을 알아보겠습니다. North Carolina 주에는 명문대학교들이 있습니다. 바로 듀크대학교, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 입니다. 이 두학교에서는 방문학자를 적극적으로 유치하는 편입니다.  그런 두학교 이외에도 명문대학교가 하나 더 있는데 바로 Wake Forest Unversity (WFU)입니다.




이 WFU에는 School of Medicine 이 있는데 그 속에 있는 Baptist Medical Center에서는 방문학자로서 의사들을 초빙하는데 그 분류를 Research Scholar and Professor, Short-term Scholar, 그리고 Specialist 로 분류하고 있습니다. 자세히 알아보면 아래와 같습니다.



Research Scholar and Professor 

Qualifications: Academic credentials (generally at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent) and experience appropriate to the field of endeavor.

Activity: The activity must be full-time and temporary. Cannot be a tenure track position. Emphasis on research, observation or consultation, but may also teach and lecture.

Length of Stay: The minimum stay in the US is three weeks, and the maximum stay is five years. No extension beyond five years is possible. Research Scholars/Professors have a 30-day grace period after their program ends to leave the US.

Eligibility for Repeat Participation: Exchange visitors who complete a J-1 program in the Research Scholar/Professor category, regardless of the program’s duration, incur a two-year window of ineligibility before a new program in the Research Scholar/Professor category can begin.

Exchange Visitors (including J-2 dependents) in any category except Short-Term Scholar incur a one-year window of ineligibility before beginning a program in the Research Scholar/Professor category if they were in the US at any time during the 12-month period immediately prior to the start of the new program unless the total stay was less than six months.

Neither the two-year nor the one-year bar to eligibility for the Research Scholar/Professor category apply to exchange visitors who transfer to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center from another institution within the US to continue their current J-1 program.



Short-Term Scholar 

Qualifications: Academic credentials (generally at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent) and experience appropriate to the field of endeavor.

Activity: The activity must be full-time and temporary. Short-Term Scholars may teach, lecture, observe, consult or perform research, and participate in seminars, workshops, conferences and other types of educational or professional activities.

Length of Stay: Short-Term Scholars may participate in the exchange visitor program for the length of time necessary to complete the program, not to exceed six months. Extensions beyond six months are not permitted. Short-Term Scholars have a 30-day grace period after their program ends to leave the US.

Eligibility for Repeat Participation: Individuals who have previously participated in an exchange visitor program in the Short-Term Scholar category may begin a new program in any category without delay. Departments that invite exchange visitors for 6 months or less but anticipate extending their stay beyond 6 months should request the Research Scholar/Professor category instead of the Short-Term Scholar category. Departments that invite exchange visitors for 6 months or less and do not plan to extend them beyond six months should request the Short-Term Scholar category, especially if future visits to the US in the J-1 Professor or Research Scholar categories are anticipated within the next two years.     



Qualifications: Academic credentials and experience appropriate to the field of endeavor.

Activity: Specialists are experts in a field of specialized knowledge or skill coming to the US to demonstrate their special knowledge/skills, or to observe or consult with colleagues.

Length of Stay: Specialists may participate in the exchange visitor program for the length of time necessary to complete the program, not to exceed 12 months. A minimum stay of three weeks is required.

Eligibility for Repeat Participation: Individuals who have previously participated in any exchange visitor program may begin a new program in the Specialist category without delay. Individuals who completed an exchange visitor program in the Specialist category may be delayed in beginning a new program in the Research Scholar or Professor categories because of the 12-month bar.




visiting scholar의 성격에 따라서 체류기간, 그리고 반복참가가능성이 달라지는데 의사선생님들이 원하는 안식년 1년간의 방문학자 생활은 충분히 할 수 있습니다. 보통 1년만 방문학자 생활하고 돌아오기가 쉽지는 않습니다. 자녀들의 교육이 큰 목적중의 하나인데 1년 공부보다는 최소 2년을 머물려고 하지요. 그러나 정작 의사선생님들이 시간이 없기에 하는 수없이 일년만 하고 돌아오는 경우가 많습니다.




WFU의 방문학자 프로그램에 지원할려면 아카데믹 백그라운드와 전공분야의 전공성을 부각시킨 영문이력서를 만들어야 하고 방문학자로서 어떤 활동, 어떤 연구를 하고 샆다라는 연구계획서 2-3페이지로 작성해서 학교에 문의하시면 큰 도움이 됩니다. 다행히도 WFU는 방문학자 프로그램에 너그러우니 잘 준비하셔서 원하시는 결과를 얻으시길 바라겠습니다.




반달곰원장에게 문의하시면 대신하여 학교에 방문학자 가능성을 타진하여 드리고 압학허가서 DS2019를 받기 위한 작업과 그리고 방문학자 J1비자 받는 작업을 도와드리고 있습니다. 언제든지 편하게 연락주시면 반달곰원장이 친절하게 컨설팅 해드리겠습니다. 방문학자, J1비자 프로그램은 반달곰원장이 전문적입니다.